Thank you for your support.

If elected, I will be the first Asian American -- a Filipina -- to serve on El Monte's City Council. I ask humbly for your vote on November 8.

Please read my postings below about my busy days campaigning for City Council, wrangling my Ally, working full-time, and running a household.

Please donate to the Verna de los Reyes for City Council 2011 campaign.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is there room on my plate?

Today is Ally's first day in First Grade. I met her new teacher and the school's new principal. After my brief conversation with the principal, Ms. Pinedo asked if I was interested in being part of the PTA leadership.

I really wanted to say, "yes" but my plate is full between my job as mom and wifey, my full-time job at Kaiser Permanente, Medicare's upcoming open enrollment, City Council campaigning, community forums, endorsement interviews, fundraisers, Girl Scouts, cheerleading, my jewelry business, and five loads of laundry a week.

I wish there was more time in a day. I'd be more than happy to lead the PTA...that's project manager Verna talking, but laundry mom Verna is saying...NO MAS!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Donations and support

Please donate help my campaign be a success.

In the infamous words of Lisa McDowell from Coming to America, "We will accept the kind that jingles, but prefer the kind that folds."