Thank you for your support.

If elected, I will be the first Asian American -- a Filipina -- to serve on El Monte's City Council. I ask humbly for your vote on November 8.

Please read my postings below about my busy days campaigning for City Council, wrangling my Ally, working full-time, and running a household.

Please donate to the Verna de los Reyes for City Council 2011 campaign.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Medicare vs. Elections vs. Santana

Wanna see something crazy? How about my schedule today...

Work started at 9 a.m.
Conference call at 2 p.m.
Drive to Target at 3 p.m.
Pick-up posters at 4 p.m.
Pick-up Ally at 5 p.m.
Get dressed, drive to Alhambra 5:30 p.m.
Get balloons at 6:30 p.m.
Fundraiser at 7 p.m.
Medicare Web site content release at 11:45 p.m.
Medicare Web site Go-live at 12:01 a.m.
Scrub Medicare Web site until 1 a.m.
Fundraiser ends at 1 a.m.
(Yes, that's right. I'm working during my fundraiser event)

My savior: Santana at the Hollywood Bowl on October 1, at 7 p.m.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

All I can think about are brownies

Last Sunday, I interviewed with the Democrats of the 49th Assembly District (49th AD) for an endorsement. I sat at Denny's for about five hours waiting for my time.

It was absolute torture: I was nervous, anxious, and hungry. The dessert menu kept tempting me. I really wanted to order that warm brownie a la mode to calm my nerves. But what if brownies get stuck in my teeth?! What a horrible scene that would be standing in the middle of the room, smiling, giving my campaign spiel and bits of brownies are over my teeth...and what if I order it and they call my name. Wasted brownie and melted ice cream. No, thanks.

Plus, I need to stop eating when I'm stressed. I have to keep this girlish figure. LOL

Received good news that I was recommended for an endorsement by the 49th AD. I thought about having a brownie a la mode to celebrate...but, NO (Must. Have. Self-control - woosah, woosah).

Attended the Los Angeles County Democratic Party meeting to hear the campaign endorsement decisions. It was such an experience to see the democratic process into play! The voting process, the speakers, the energy. Proud to be a Democrat!

But, I was still was on pins and needles until I heard the words, "Congratulations, you have been endorsed by the LACDP." On the way home, I drove past two Denny's...brownie a la mode continued to haunt me.

Just writing makes me want to jump in my car and drive to Denny's... SMH

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

If in doubt, reboot

Had an endorsement interview with Firefighters Local 1014. Had long Medicare meetings. Did three loads of laundry in between meetings. Back to School Night at 5:30 p.m. Lastly, the United Democrats of the San Gabriel Valley endorsement interview at 6:30 p.m.

Worked on Medicare site for a little bit then CRASHED...not me, IE 7! Two hours of content entry gone. I really dislike you IE 7 and your friend, Windows, too.

I'd really like to reboot my entire day, and be in Safe Mode...